Elizabeth Rohloff Designs, Goodman $64 sold out
We've been getting lots of new things in, including some great stuff from our local designers. First up for the spotlight is Elizabeth Rohloff's new hats - they just waltzed in looking absolutely fabulous! The new shape - The Goodman - is the perfect feminine fedora style for those of us who can't quite pull off the classic fedora shape, and the new Emma's are now available in perfect fall fabrics. If you've got your eye on something, you'd better jump on it, because Elizabeth's hats go quickly! Here's a look at what we've got!
Emma $49 sold out, and Goodman $64 sold out
Goodman $64 sold out, and Emma $49 sold out
Emma $49 sold out, and Hey! Looks like Olson wants his picture taken!
Alright Olson...Will you model for me?
Olson is stunning in this beautiful design from Portland's Elizabeth Rohloff
..And here's Olson sporting the right attitude for this slouchy newsboy.
Thanks Olson! Sometimes you just can't tell what a hat looks like until you try it on! They look great on you!
Its about time someone created a classic fedora for the gals!! I know what someone is getting for christmas :)
olson is making me reminisce about tyler and the chelsea days :)
My God.. thats a nice collection..
Olson looks great ;)
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