Sammy Davis Jr., Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin in 1964’s ‘Robin and the Seven Hoods. Photo courtesy of Warner Bros./Getty Images
"Men en masse took off their hats over the past 40 or so years, donning the style statement less and less. But recently, it's hats that have been doing the taking off. This spring and summer, brimmed straw hats have been spotted on the heads of hipsters in New York, as well as on dapper business types, adding a retro twist to a dressed-up -- or toned-down -- look. For fall, felt fedoras are expected to a big trend."
A snippet of
The Wall Street Journal's website article titled "The Latest Hat Craze" by Ray A. Smith...
"After decades in dormancy, brimmed hats are back on the streets.
The so-called stingy-brim hat, with a brim 1½ inches wide, is considered more modern than those carrying standard 2½-inch widths, and straw versions have been big sellers this summer. "Our stingy brims are extremely strong right now," says Don Rongione, chief executive of Bollman Hat, whose brands include Bailey and Kangol."
Hey, speaking of
Bailey and stingy brim hats...I think I know a place that carries those right here in Portland! Gee, how did you guess? Bonnet is your go to shop for a wide selection of stingy brims! What else does have to say?
"The return of the hat brings with it some old etiquette. "Always take your hat off when sitting down to dinner at a restaurant or at church," says Tom Julian, a trend expert and author of "Nordstrom Guide to Men's Style." A straw hat or trilby works best with casual or contemporary looks. As for cocking the hat to the side, "you have to be a cool celebrity to be able to pull it off," Mr. Julian says."
Come into Bonnet to get your hands on a straw fedora before they're all gone! You'll start to see less straw and more fabrics and felts as we move closer into fall!
For more great photos and a brief history of hats, see the entire article
here. I suggest the slideshow!